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Plena Madeiras Nobres, Tudo em Madeiras Para Embelezar sua Obra
Madeiras Nobres Para Telhados, Pergolados, Decks, Revestimentos...
Espaço Nobre Plena
Floreiras e Cachepós
Espaço Nobre Plena
As madeiras da Plena são recomendadas por engenheiros, arquitetos, construtoras e consumidores.
- Além da qualidade, nossos produtos, oriundos de manejo sustentável, são certificados pelos órgãos ambientais - Ibama, Feema e Sema.
- Em seus projetos para ambientes e estruturas que incluam utilização de madeiras, os profissionais de decoração e construção civil precisam analisar a durabilidade e a procedência deste material.
Delight children and adults with quality, beauty, safety and responsibility.
Playground Sitio do Tarzan Plus
Vista Geral LB
Playground Sitio do Tarzan Plus
About the company
Banner BillyToys Smart
Timber company founded in 1972 by João Osório Soares, with the corporate name of "JO Soares".
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Becoming called "BillyToys Smart Solutions", on March 11, 1995, specializes in the manufacture, distribution and installation of playgrounds in plump eucalyptus wood and benefited pine, osmopressurized in autoclave, for squares, parks, condominiums, schools , and other segments, becoming an icon in the production, distribution and service to both direct customers and public bodies.
In the quest for quality and satisfaction aimed at children and consumers, the company continually invests in improving the performance of its collaborators, both in the productive area and in the administrative and commercial areas.
Also thinking about environmental preservation, it requires its suppliers that the origin of the wood is from reforested areas. With the social nature of preserving, providing and satisfying, today it serves the Brazilian markets in the South, Center, Midwest, North of Brazil and International Markets.
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