Origem das Pérgulas
- A pérgula parece ser uma invenção latina, o próprio termo vem, aliás, do latim (pergula) e designa um terraço coberto com uma estrutura guarnecida de plantas trepadeiras que era comum nas antigas Domus Romanas.
- Tudo isto torna os italianos herdeiros desta tradição e responsáveis pelo aperfeiçoamento e renovação do conceito. - Pensando nisso a Pérgula Comércio e Representações se aliou a outras empresas especializadas em estruturas de madeiras de reflorestamento com tratamento em autoclave contribuindo assim para preservação ambiental apresentando projetos em um conjunto de propostas verdadeiramente deslumbrantes...
Origin of Pergolas
...THEpergolaappears to be a Latin invention, the term itself comes from from Latin(pergola), and designates a terrace covered with a structure lined with climbing plants that was common in ancientdomus romanas. All this makes the Italians heirs of this tradition and responsible for perfecting and renewing the concept.
With that in mind, the Billytoys Group joined forces with other companies specialized in structures made from reforested wood treated inautoclavethus contributing to environmental preservation by presenting projects in a set of truly dazzling proposals...

...there are structures for all tastes and purposes, from protecting balconies to covering parking lots, but the most interesting ones are the autonomous sets intended to be placed on a terrace or garden._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ They generally have shades made of wood veneers or materials textiles, and various wooden furniture with elegant shapes that invite you to rest and relax...

...all these solutions are presented to us by our company, with eye-catching designs and elegant design.
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